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How to prepare for the NUS QET (Qualifying English Test) - A short guide

Hello! Yesterday, was the release of the NUS QET1 (Qualifying English Test 1) results for those who had taken their tests on the 6th July 2021. As I was preparing for this test, I found limited resources, with this post  being one of the few out there (A huge thank you to Yuelun for her guide). It was very helpful in helping me do well in QET (I scored a band 3!). As a result, I decided to write this blog posts to help out other confused students.
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NUS SoC Academic Day 2021

Today (15 July 2021), the NUS School of Computing hosted its Academic Day on Zoom. The Academic Day was split into 2 sessions: Faculty course briefing (morning, not for CEG freshies) and the individual course briefing (afternoon) sessions. I highly recommend attending both sessions for your respective courses. I found both of them quite informative and enlightening despite having done a bit of research of my own! Don't worry if you didn't manage to attend the sessions! I believe the profs will upload the zoom recordings on this website .

NUS Pre-Admission Medical Exam Experience at the University Health Centre

Hello there! You're likely here because you want to know what to expect for that pre-admission medical exam that you're going for in the next couple of days. As a matriculating freshie this year, I had the same thoughts the few days leading up to the checkup. That is why I decided to write a post to help regulate expectations based off my personal experience. Take note that I went for the exam at the University Health Centre in June 2021, when there was still covid-19 restrictions, so some of the safe distancing measures may not be applicable for subsequent batches. This experience might not be applicable to non- matriculating full-time undergraduate students, or those that are will be studying Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, or Dentistry (they have additional screenings). Nonetheless, I hope this would be helpful! Booking an appointment at UHC  Personally, I'd recommend going together with a friend or two for company, so try to book the same appointment slots with your friend